What a wild Week 4 in fantasy football quarterback land. We saw Trevor Lawrence continue to struggle, Justin Fields return to fantasy relevance and still lose the game, as well as Brock Purdy almost throw a perfect game.
This and much more, but the question that you've come to this article to answer is whose stock has gone up this week. This could be reassurance of a prior decision or making a big move for the rest of the year. Either way, these three quarterbacks are going to break into the top 12 sooner rather than later, which means you're going to want to remember these names.
70% Win
70% Win
70% Win
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Through the first three quarters, he threw for 21/24, 295 yards, 3 TDs, and no turnovers. In the fourth quarter his stat line was: 5/9, 40 yards, INT, fumble lost. It was a complete night and day for Fields.
He established a repertoire with DJ Moore to the tune of eight receptions, 131 yards, and a touchdown. In fact, Fields completed 88% of his passes to Moore.
Overall, Fields looked better than he has all year and finally returned dividends on the draft capital spent on him. He faces three bottom-10 defenses against fantasy quarterbacks in the next four weeks.
The Bears also play the Commanders who have allowed the third-most rushing yards to opposing quarterbacks (131). If there was ever a time to trade for Fields, it's right now and if you're looking for any help with that then check out our Fantasy Football Trade Analyzer.
The 49ers have been dominating the competition thus far in the 2023 season, thanks in part to the play Brock Purdy. Did you know that going into Week 4, Purdy was QB13?
A lot of people discounted his talents and poked at his physical shortcomings. The Niners paid little heed to the noise. He's their guy and this week he showed once again why he's been the picture of perfection for the franchise.
Against the Cardinals, he showed out by scoring more touchdowns (2) than he had incompletions (1). That's right, he went 20/21 with 283 yards and 2TDs (one passing and one running).
So far this season, Purdy has yet to throw an interception. He has also scored multiple touchdowns in three of four games.
The 49ers are a team that has all the players available to make Purdy look great. Next week, though, will be tough against the Dallas Cowboys - who allow the second-fewest points to fantasy QBs.
After Week 5, the 49ers schedule gets a little bit easier and could provide Purdy with some more highlight-reel performances.
The number two overall pick in last year's draft is playing like he should've been number one.
Stroud went 306 yards and two touchdowns while only completing 53.3% of his passes on Sunday. The most impressive part was that he did it against a good Steelers team and just about embarrassed them.
Stroud's most impressive pass was probably his 52-yard toss to Nico Collins, putting the ball right where only the young receiver could grab it.
The Texans have looked great in the past few weeks, picking up big wins over the Jaguars and Steelers. Overall he is one of three quarterbacks (another guy in this article) not to have thrown an interception through four weeks.
This guy is a rookie and has thrown 280+ yards and two touchdowns in every game since Week 2. Going into Week 4, Stroud was QB14 on the year and he'll certainly be moving up after his performance against the Steelers.
A little piece of advice, go trade for him now while people are still wondering if he'll be consistently good. If you're playing redraft, stash him away, and if you're playing dynasty, don't sell just buy.
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