"Didnt you guys break up?"

MJF might be one of the most hated pro wrestlers in the industry today, largely due to his own persona, but until recently the star was set to get married. Unfortunately, the engagement has seemingly been called off, but his former fiancée has now left fans confused after putting some of his merch up for sale.

Friedman and Rosenblum initially announced their engagement in September 2022, resulting in Naomi quickly shooting into the public eye. Fans quickly found out that she was a budding artist, and her work on MJF as well as numerous other pro wrestlers gained her the adoration of many AEW fans.

Naomi Rosenblum recently took to Twitter to let fans know that she still has a few limited prints for sale - all signed by MJF himself. The post naturally stirred quite a few fans, as they had begun making peace with the fact that the couple were not together anymore.

Many fans seemed far more grateful that they could still pick up some of the art that Rosenblum created of Friedman and instead opted to thank her for her art.

Naturally, however, most fans were far more interested in the status of Naomi's relationship with Friedman, and instead either probed her for answers or simply reacted with the saddest GIF or meme they could find.

Unfortunately, for these fans, neither MJF nor Naomi has publicly confirmed the breakup outside of the AEW star's promo during this week's Dynamite. Due to this, they will just have to wait and see.

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Fightful has however reported that MJF and Naomi Rosenblum have indeed broken off their engagement

A keen-eyed fan recently pointed out that the former couple had indeed unfollowed one another on Instagram, and Naomi had removed the post announcing their engagement.

But for those wanting something more concrete, Sean Ross Sapp of Fightful then took to Twitter to report on the breakup to corroborate Friedman's AEW Dynamite promo.

“The MJF promo had a lot of truth to it. Normally wouldn’t cover that type of thing, but he and his fiancee did have a split as was referenced on tonight’s AEW Dynamite,” Sapp tweeted.

The Salt of the Earth was notably the one to use his alleged real-life situation in a promo against Bryan Danielson, which led to many fans drawing conclusions. Despite Fightful's report, the matter should still be taken with a grain of salt. Until either party or someone close enough to them comes forward to confirm the breakup, it could be part of a storyline.

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