GTA Online: Decoding the Bestia GTS

GTA Online and its cars are very popular among fans. Constant updates also release new vehicles almost every week in-game. The car community in the Grand Theft Auto-verse is huge, and some cars stand out more than others.

One such car is the Grotti Bestia GTS. This beautiful piece of engineering is based on a Ferrari in real-life. Surprisingly, it is quite uncommon these days, as Rockstar released the car way back in 2016 with the 1.34 Further Adventures in Finance and Felony update. This article helps gamers understand this magnificent car better.

Facts about the Bestia GTS in GTA Online

Bestia GTS in GTA Online is based on Ferrari FF and Ferrari GTC4Lusso. It is classified as a sports car in-game, and in real-life, it is a station wagon which can also be called a hatched-back Grand Tourer. The car is not fully inspired by Ferrari as the rear end does take a few inputs from the Toyota 86. It is a two-door sports car.

Bestia translates to Beast in Hungarian, Spanish, and Polish. This is a call back to the fan-favorite Beast GTS car from GTA 1. Another version of the car appeared in Rockstar's Midnight Club game and was called the '71 Bestia. However, it was a muscle car based on the Pontiac GTO.

How to get the Bestia GTS in GTA Online

The Grotti Bestia GTS is available on the Legendary Motorsport Website for $600k. Being a remake of the iconic Ferrari FF, it is quite cheap. According to the Legendary Motorsport:

"Turns out you can have it all: power with class, innovation with pedigree, looks with personality. The Bestia GTS has all the finesse and ferocity of a supercar, but its unique rear styling allows for two more seats in the back, with more than enough legroom for a couple of amputees or the children you never had. It's a visionary fusion no one ever saw coming, and for good reason."

Highly modified variants of the Bestia can also be spotted while grinding out the Vehicle cargo missions. They are the 5T34LTH Bestia GTS, the BE4STY Bestia GTS, and the 5M00TH Bestia GTS.

Performance and Customization

Bestia GTS' performance is similar to that of the Grotti Carbonizzare. Under the hood, the car houses a twin-cam four-cylinder engine. The transmission has a 6-speed gearbox, and the vehicle delivers power to all four wheels. The exhaust note is also identical to the Carbonizzare.

The speedometer tops out at 191kmph (118mph), as tested out by popular GTA car fanatic Broughy1322. The car's resale value stands at $366k plus 60% of the customization value. The car can be stored in any player-owned garage in GTA Online.

As far as customizations go, Bestia GTS allows a moderate amount. Players can upgrade the car's performance by tweaking the Engine, Transmission, Turbo, etc. Additionally, the vehicle also allows it to be equipped with explosives or a remote bomb (no idea why someone would want to destroy this beauty). There are also quite a few hoods and bumpers to choose from.

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