How do I watch Perez Hilton on Live.Me?

So many people are joining Live.Me! It is the #1 social platform for broadcasting and watching live stream videos. You can broadcast live, video chat, and even add your favorite celebrities such as Perez Hilton!

Perez Hilton is an American blogger, columnist, and television personality. His website – – has become one of the most popular websites for celebrity gossip.

What is Perez Hilton’s username?

You can follow Perez Hilton on Live.Me using ThePerezHilton.

How do I find him on Live.Me?

You can download the application on either Google Play or the App Store. Then, you can sign in to Live.Me with your Facebook, Twitter, Google +, or Instagram account. You can also create an account with your email. Once you’re logged in, search “ThePerezHilton.”

When can I watch him on Live.Me?

Perez is new to the application and just had his very first broadcast a few days ago. Make sure to add him on Live.Me so you don’t miss any of his future livestreams! You can also stay updated on the latest celebs using the app by following Live.Me on twitter at .

Will you be adding Perez on Live.Me? Who else would you like to see on the application? Make sure to let us know by tweeting us at !
