How to get the Riskrunner exotic SMG

Destiny 2 has launched a new campaign following the release of the Beyond Light expansion.

This is known as the "New Light" campaign, where any new characters must complete it, in order to conclude the prolog and get their hands on an exotic weapon. Year 1's content included the Red War campaign, which was archived alongside the rest of the DLCs after Year 4 arrived.

In the following article, players will find a breakdown of the "Spark of Hope" quest, which gets activated by completing the New Light campaign. Once they have completed this quest, they will be rewarded the exotic SMG known as the Riskrunner, alongside the beginner's emblem.

How to easily complete the Destiny 2 quest 'Spark of Hope' and receive the Riskrunner exotic gun

1) New Light quest completion

Destiny 2 cosmodrome (Image via Bungie)

Guardians will need to finish the prolog in Destiny 2, known as New Light, to get things started. This is mandatory for all newly made characters, as Bungie removed the Red War campaign following the Beyond Light expansion release.

The quest follows a relatively simple objective, where the players will need to listen to their ghosts, push through the Fallen forces at the Cosmodrome, and escape to the Tower via a ship. Different vendors will provide the Guardians with another set of introductory quests, which upon further completion, will unlock the "Spark of Hope" from Ikora.

2) Introduction to the 'Spark of Hope'

Spark of Hope quest (Image via Destiny 2)

After returning to the Tower, players will have to follow the quest steps for "Sparks of Hope" and speak with Zavala, Ikora, and Devrim in their respective order. The second step requires the Guardians to clear out three lost sectors on Trostland, located in EDZ. These sectors are Widow's Walk, Atrium, and Terminus East.

After completing these steps, Guardians of Destiny 2 will have to speak with Devrim one last time to activate the final exotic quest, "Risk/Reward," on the Cosmodrome.

3) Risk/Reward and finishing up

Risk/Reward jumping puzzle (Image via Bungie)

Before acquiring the Masterwork Riskrunner, players will have to go through a series of quest steps in the "Risk/Reward" mission. The first set of objectives is to defeat a total of three Fallen captains near The Divide on the Cosmodrome. These captains can be drawn out by defeating the Fallen enemies present in the location.

The next step requires the Guardians to find a locked gate on the Cosmodrome. This will lead to the next location in the quest. To find the gate, players can look for an entrance to the Breach at the southern part of the Divide.

The Breach Entrance (Image via Destiny 2)

After entering, the rest of the quest follows simple mechanics where players will need to follow a waypoint, defeat enemies, and ultimately crack a jumping puzzle. At the end of the puzzle, Guardians will need to interact with the arc conductors to obtain the exotic submachine gun, Riskrunner.

Recovering Arc Conductor (Image via Destiny 2)

The final steps of the quest require a player to defeat a few Fallen enemies and then speak to Zavala at the Tower. Doing so will conclude the 'Spark of Hope' questline.

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