Jey Uso to join another top WWE faction after recently quitting The Bloodline and SmackDown? Analyzi

WWE NXT North American Champion Dominik Mysterio recently invited Jey Uso to join The Judgment Day after the latter quit The Bloodline.

After his twin brother, Jimmy Uso, turned on Roman Reigns at Night of Champions, Jey sided with him to feud with their former Tribal Chief. At SummerSlam, the former Right Hand Man challenged Reigns for the Undisputed WWE Universal Title and Tribal Chief status in a Tribal Combat match. However, he lost the bout after getting betrayed by Jimmy.

On the following episode of SmackDown, Jey took out Reigns, Solo Sikoa, and Jimmy before announcing that he was quitting The Bloodline, SmackDown, and WWE. During a recent interview with Bakers Bantering, Dominik Mysterio expressed his desire to have Jey Uso join The Judgment Day.

"I got Jey. Jey's gotta join The Judgment Day. (...) [He's gotta change his color from red to purple] He can keep the all-white pants but maybe the palm trees a little purple and black in there. And I think that fit perfectly. He's got the tattoos. [Jey Uso is not gonna join The Judgment Day.] Why not? I think he'd be a perfect fit. [He's gotta find a new family.] He can't be going solo," he said. [36:04 - 37:18]

Beef with Rhea Ripley prevents a current Bloodline member from joining The Judgment Day, says Dominik Mysterio. Check out his comments here.

Why should Jey Uso join The Judgment Day on WWE RAW?

While Dominik Mysterio's suggestion for Jey Uso to join The Judgment Day could seem far-fetched, it could fit perfectly into The Bloodline storyline. The Judgment Day and The Bloodline have come face to face previously on Monday Night RAW. At the time, there seemed to be tension between the two factions.

WWE could revisit this angle by making Jey join The Judgment Day after leaving The Bloodline. The story could be that Jey has realized he could not take down Roman Reigns alone. Hence, he quit the company after his only ally, Jimmy, turned on him. However, The Judgment Day convinced him to return and join their group. In return, they would help him take revenge on his family.

Although the company would probably go another way with Jey Uso's story, Dominik Mysterio's idea of him joining The Judgment Day does not seem terrible.

Top WWE star surprisingly turned down a suggestion to align with Roman Reigns after The Usos' betrayal. Check out the details here.

Please credit Bakers Bantering and give a H/T to Sportskeeda if you use the above transcription.

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