"Wish I was her" - Charles Oliveira's bombshell relationship reveal breaks MMA internet as he poses

Former UFC lightweight champion Charles Oliveira's relationship reveal has sent fans into a frenzy.

Oliveira recently took to Instagram to share a picture with his new girlfriend, Vitoria Brum. While her Instagram profile is open to the public, Brum has kept her life private and there is no information available about her at the moment.

The former UFC lightweight champion captioned the post:

"My babe @vitoriabrum_"

Check out Oliveira's post below:

Reacting to Oliveira's reveal, fans flooded the comments section of the post. Many congratulated 'do Bronx' for his new relationship. However, there were some who expressed their disappointment at his split with Talita Roberta, whom he married in 2014.

Take a look at some of the reactions below:

"Beautiful congratulations to the couple" "I don’t like this only because I’ve been a fan and seen how his wife was there for his whole journey in the beginning she was very supportive I’m so sad it ain’t work out" 'Behind a champion there is always an extraordinary woman"
Fan reactions

Ariel Helwani on new potential date for Islam Makhachev vs. Charles Oliveira rematch

According to MMA journalist Ariel Helwani, the UFC is once again looking to book the rematch between Islam Makhachev and Charles Oliveira. The two were supposed to fight at UFC 294, but the Brazilian had to pull out because of an injury.

While nothing is certain at the moment, the UFC may be in the works to book the two for UFC 297 in January next year. Helwani took to X to shed light on the rematch and wrote:

"The current plan - though not finalized just yet - is to have Islam Makhachev x Charles Oliveira 2 - headline UFC 297. That event, while not officially announced yet, is currently slated to Jan. 20 in Toronto. The original plan for that main was Volkanovski x Topuria, but now the plan is for that to be on the February PPV. Raquel Pennington x Mayra Bueno Silva for the vacant 135 title also scheduled for that January card, as reported yesterday."

Check out Helwani's post below:

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